Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome ME!!!

Hello people!!!!!!
Here I am, starting a blog. It had been long since I write, and my language is getting rusty.
So, please do forgive me for any grammar or spelling mistakes, alrite?
You see, I am currently in a mission to improve my mother tongue and bring it to perfection. Well maybe not to perfection but at least better than how I used to speak. Yes, with the improving, I only mean to the speaking part, not to the writing or reading part.
At least now my fren can go "Wow, you know how to use that word to eh? Your Mandarin is really improving Ying Huay!"
=) Thank you mates! Could not done without you girls. *I'm proud of myself too, keke!*
However, I think, the fact that I am actually improving in Mandarin, somehow in someway, my English is language is worsening, or shall I say its "Deteriorating" and it really shouldn't be! I can't figure out why tho, but i tend to forget the words I used to know which mean my vocabulary is getting worse, and my friend is correcting my grammar and this is really bad.. i mean real bad.
Well I guess I am not a language kind of person, or maybe the space located for language skill in my brain, is just too tiny. Yet, I still do think I shall doing something about it and blogging will in someway and I guess that's partly the reason I am here, writing.
And this post, is just me myself welcoming myself to the blogging world.
Welcome to Me! =)

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